

Wojtyla growing up, the shaping of who would be and who is our
extraordinary pope.
Adam Mielczynski
Wow ! 25 years, Its hard to believe its been so
long. 25 years since it was announced that Karol Wojtyla would
lead the Catholic church. It has been a pontificate like no
other, and surely one of the most influential and dramatically
redefining . The inauguration of a Polish pope revived a sense
of pride and hope for the poles, and one of inspiration for
the whole world. The Silver Anniversary of the Polish Pope and
Third-longest pontificate is a particularly appropriate occasion
to further the teachings of Pope John Paul II and to show appreciation
for his unbreakable faith and unwavering dedication to the cause
of the poor and defenseless, and last but not least, his contributions
toward building a civilization of love and peace. Now I would
like to invite you to take a trip with me back in time, to the
early life of Karol Wojtyla, as we go from his early life to
the present, I hope you all feel what I felt getting to know
our pope.
The day is May 18th ,1920, in a little town of
Wadowice, 50 km southwest of Krakow, "Lolek" (as he
would later become known) was born. Being born on the same day
as Marshal Jozef Pilsudski struck a deciding blow in the war
against the Soviet Union and seized Kiev- what is now known
as the polish miracle, his birth is referred by many as "the
second Polish miracle". Precisely for that reason, Karol
Wojtyla Sr - his father- decided his son would bear the marshals
middle name, and therefore baptized his son as Karol Jozef Wojtyla.
Karol's father (Karol Wojtyla Sr) was a military
man who had strict family values, and was a devoted catholic
. His mother (Emilia) was the daughter of a Krakow upholsterer,
she was a very sensitive young woman, of delicate health. However,
she still bore 3 children 2 boys and one girl. Edmund, who was
Karol's older brother, was the first born. Edmund was healthy,
able, even brilliant, doing so well at school that he planned
to become a doctor. Olga, was her only daughter, Olga was not
as lucky, constantly sick she died early in infancy in 1914.
Karol was her last child, Emilia simply adored him. She told
the neighbors that he would one day be a great man, a priest
she said. Karol and his mother were very close, he loved her
very much. Later as Pope, Karols' adoration of his mother was
still strong saying on many occasions that she was -like many
mothers- "the soul of home." Karol was 8 when she
died on April 13th, 1929 of kidney failure. After her death,
Karol and his father became very close, his father a devoted
catholic, became one of the key influences in Wojtylas later
religious life.
Wojtyla's father devoted himself solely to his
son's up bringing .His father took over all the house chores,
sewing, washing, and cooking, he became, Karol's mother, father,
friend and colleague." Being very mature for his age, Karol
always returned his father's devotion, after his morning at
school, he shared the midday meal with his father, In the afternoons,
he played sports, but always went home punctually in early evening
for homework, dinner and a late walk with his sole surviving
parent. Wojtyla was everyone's friend, however, One of Wojtyla's
closest friends, a Jewish boy named Jerzy Kluger, was someone
Karol became especially attached to. Always together the two
often listened to Wojtyla's father tell stories of Poland's
history. Lolek, in turn, went to the Klugers' 10-room apartment
overlooking the town square and listened to music performed
by a string quartet composed of two Jews and two Catholics.
In one of the famous stories about their friendship,
young Jerzy finds out that he and Karol are going to be in the
same class at school in the fall. He can't wait to tell Wojtyla.
When Jerzy realizes he's serving at Mass, he decides to go find
him at church. The service is not over when Jerzy enters. People
notice him. In such a small town, everyone knows who he is.
One old woman in particular eyes the young Jewish boy disapprovingly.
As mass ends, Jerzy races up to the altar to tell Karol his
good news. Then he mentions the old woman's disapproval. "Maybe
she was surprised to see a Jew in church." He says, "Why,"
Karol laughs. "Aren't we all God's children?"
Karol's brother Edmund, graduated in 1930 from
the School of Medicine from the Jagellonian University in Krakow.
Although he quickly became well known as a sensitive, and knowledgeable
doctor, his career was ended only two years after, when after
contracting scarlet fever he died. Edmunds death deeply scared
Karol, later as Pope Karol spoke of his brothers death as an
event that effected him "perhaps even deeper than my mother's".His
class mate Szczepan Mogelniecki said in "The brother's
death was more his tragedy, it bound Karol ever more deeply
to the sense that his fate was one with Poland's."
In his early teens , Karol became fascinated with
theater. Early in the 30's, he met Mieczyslaw Kotlarcyzk who
would teach him about "the Living Word," a style of
performing which emphasized language, monologues and simplicity
of sets. Kotlarcyzk ran the Amateur University Theatre in Wadowice.
Wojtyla began acting in plays at the school and eventually branched
out into Kotlarcyzk's productions. His relationship to Kotlarcyzk
launched Wojtyla as an actor and a playwright. Wojtyla and his
father left Wadowice after he finished high school in 1938,
they moved to Krakow, where after the Nazis invaded Karol took
a job as a stone cutter in a quarry to provide for both himself
and his father.
February 18, 1941, is a day that our pope remembers
as one of the saddest in his life, it is the day his father
passed away, never getting to see his son become the great man
he would become. Right then, Karol Wojtyla's loneliness was
complete. Once more, suffering fatefully bound him to his beloved
country's anguished destiny. Although he would later regain
his calm, his friends remember that his father's death opened
again some yet unhealed wounds. As pope, Wojtyla told the writer
Andre Frossard, "At twenty I had already lost all the people
I loved, and even those I might have loved, like my older sister
who died before I was born." The terrible losses mounted
for Karol, each a mortal blow to his identity, leaving him at
his youthful age barring his country's rich themes inside him.
It was another 18 months after his fathers death
before Karol answered the call God had made to him. Wojtyla
began studying at an underground seminary in Krakow and registered
for theology courses at the university. He continued his studies,
acted and worked in a chemical plant until August of 1944. Later
that same year, approaching the defeat of Nazi Germany, the
time came when the Germans began rounding up random Polish men
sending them off to concentration camps, or to be killed. Wojtyla
however remarkably managed to escape, taking refuge in the archbishop
of Krakow's residence, where he remained until the end of the
war. He was ordained in 1946 in Krakow, and spent much of the
next few years studying -he earned two masters degrees and a
doctorate - before taking up full priestly duties in 1949, beginning
what would be an extraordinary journey in his passion of catholic
Karol Wojtyla's truth-his faith-is profoundly layered,
starting at the deepest level with his having to find meaning
in a stunning catalogue of personal losses: his mother died,
his only brother died, his father died, his nation was occupied
and his culture was threatened with extinction, his university
was closed and many of his professors were executed, his Jewish
friends and families were uprooted and killed in the Holocaust-
all by the time he was 26. And yet, the young Wojtyla found
strength in what he believed, and that was the will of an unfathomable
God. Wojtyla, when in his twenties often expressed his profound
love and passion of God through the many beautiful, and touching
poems he wrote, using every gift our God gave to him he was
able to express his true and profound feelings. In doing so
he was able to reach a state of peace, and understanding of
a God that he too at times failed to understand.
From 1948 to 1951, Wojtyla served in various parishes
in Krakow where he immersed himself directly in church life,
performing weddings, funerals and baptisms as well as mass and
confession. Wojtyla's belief in, and closeness to youth can
be seen early in his priestly beginnings. He worked with university
students, who cherished the young, "hip" priest. He
also often organized mountain hikes for his young parishioners,
but dressed in casual shorts and polo shirts he would not be
recognized as a priest, rather a teacher. In July of 1958 a
letter came from Rome that summoned the tanned Wojtyla - and
interrupted his kayak trip- to the residence of Poland's senior
cardinal. The 38 year old priest was named auxiliary bishop
of Krakow, beginning his meteoric rise through the ranks of
the church.
Wojtyla was elevated to bishop in 1963 , He was
initially seen by the communists as a religious figure who was
not politically inclined and could be easily managed, he was
rather emerging a person to watch within the church. In 1964,
Wojtyla was invited to Rome to participate in Vatican II. The
bishops discussed Nostra Aetate, in which John XXIII redefined
the Catholic Church's relation to the Jews. The document plainly
said that the Jewish people were not guilty of killing Christ.
And it clearly asserted that Judaism has its own ongoing integrity
- Christianity had not replaced Judaism in God's eyes. Wojtyla
as predicted continued his rise through the ranks of the church,
Just days after his 47th birthday in 1967, Wojtyla was appointed
cardinal - the second youngest living cardinal in the Roman
Catholic church.
Throughout his ministry, Wojtyla was passionate
in his defence of the unborn , his opposition to abortion and
birthcontrol was clear. As Cardinal, Wojtyla made an extremely
unusual and personal gesture. At a different time, in a country
with a developed media, it would become a highly visible public
statement. He visited the synagogue in the Jewish District of
Krakow. No cardinal had ever made such a visit. Wojtyla insisted
on doing it as a gesture of friendship as well as because he
had fought so hard for the Vatican Council's declaration removing
the blame for Christ's death from the Jews, he personally wanted
to make his position known.
In August 1978, Pope Paul VI died, and the grieving
college of Cardinals, including Wojtyla, was summoned to Rome
to elect a new pontiff. An Italian cardinal was selected and
took the name of John Paul I. Wojtyla, the young Polish cardinal,
also earned a handful of votes, in a way foreshadowing the future.
Just 33 days later however, overwhelmed by the task of leading
the world's one billion Catholics - John Paul I died of a heart
attack. Wojtyla was shocked when he heard the news. In the span
of little more than a month , the cardinals were once again
summoned to Rome. With a heavy heart, Wojtyla left Poland to
elect a new Pope. The 111 cardinals entered conclave - shut
off completely from the outside world inside the Sistine Chapel
- on Oct, 14.One, two, three, four ballots - and still no candidate
emerged as the new leader, however, On the third day - Oct.
16 - support for Wojtyla surged, breaking a deadlock between
two Italian cardinals. Following the eighth ballot, at 6:44pm,
October 16th 1978. a puff of white smoke rose over St. Peter's
Square announcing to the crowd below that a new Pope had been
elected, soon after from the balcony of St peters Basilica overlooking
the square the new pope was announced as Karol Wojtyla! Taking
on the name of John Paul II to honor his two predecessors who
died just weeks before, Wojtyla became the 264th pope, and the
first non Italian pope in more than 450 years.
From the first day of his election, John Paul II's
pontificate raised concern in Central Communist Committee headquarters,
In the eyes of the communist leaders, the Vatican and the Pope
above all were regarded as their number one, most dangerous
enemies in the world. In 1979, when John Paul II's plane landed
at Okecie Airport, church bells ran throughout the country.
Kissing the ground and blessing the huge crowd that turned out
the newly chosen Pope sparked a sense of hope in the Polish
people, a sense of hope that was fueled by the idea that they
were no longer alone in their fight against the oppressive communist
government that was controlling their lives. Preaching 32 sermons
in 9 days the pope spoke of human dignity, the right to religious
freedom, and a revolution of the spirit. Poland was in a way
re-baptized. Opening a door to what would be a Poland with no
communism, John Paul II would continue to be actively involved
in ridding his beloved country of the oppressor that it was
so tightly gripped by.
It took time, it took the Pope's support from Rome,
it took several more trips in 1983 and 1987 But the flame was
lit. It would smolder and flicker before it burned from one
end of Poland to the other. Millions of people spread the revolution,
but it began with the Pope's trip home in 1979. As General Jaruzelski
said, "That was the detonator." John Paul II became
a key icon in the fall of Communism, both in Poland , and in
the soviet Union, gaining support from many democratic, and
powerful countries such as the United States, the pope inspired
and unified the people of Poland, leading to the eventual destruction
of communist rule.
Pope John Paul has redefined what the role of a
pope is. He is a universal pope, one who sees the barriers of
countries as simple divisions on a map. Traveling to over 115
countries in the last 25 years, he has touched the hearts of
millions, in a charismatic way. In his book "The Making
of Popes 1978," Andrew M. Greeley offers a close-up of
the pope working a crowd: "His moves, his presence, his
smile, his friendliness, his gestures ...have pleased everyone...
He is great with crowds -- shaking hands, smiling, talking,
kissing babies."
His influence on the world has been seen through
both a religious and political approach, many at times expressing
his views to the UN, speaking on terms of maintaining peace,
something he clearly knows the value of. As pope he has made
the world's business his business -especially in regard to human
rights. He has seen and experienced the horrors of war, and
truly knows the importance and value of both human rights and
peace. As Cardinal Roger Etchegaray told the Washington Post.
"His great hope is to awaken the entire world to the dignity
and responsibility of defending human rights."
John Paul II has always had a special place for
youth in his heart, his love and belief in young people has
been seen through his close interaction and guidance of youth
in his early beginnings as a young priest. His belief in us
young people as being the future of the Christian faith, and
that it is us that will lead the world into becoming a better
, more peaceful place has made him the Sheppard leading us to
becoming salt of the earth … and the light of the world.
In 1984, Pope John Paul II announced the year 1985
as a Jubilee year for the Catholic Church. In an effort to recognize
the growing youth of the Church, the Holy Father wrote a letter
to the young people of the world inviting them to gather with
him in Saint Peter´s Square to kick off the adventure of World
Youth Day. The Palm Sunday of 1984 was declared by our pope
as the first World Youth Day , on that day Pope John Paul II
summoned all the youth that attended to go back to their home
towns and communities and celebrate their new-found fellowship
and continue the tradition for years to follow. During the Jubilee
of the Redemption in 1984, Pope John Paul II also entrusted
a special gift to the youth of the world, a simple cross consisting
of two crossed planks of wood that the young people of the world
now carry as a symbol of their faith. This Cross now serves
as the symbol of WYD. Like the young people who attend WYDs,
the Cross travels around the world and appeals to them to deepen
their faith and live it more sincerely. The cross has since
then traveled to all parts of the world, inspiring and lifting
the spirits of all young people that have seen it, it serves
as a link to all the youth of the world, unifying them in spirit,
and in faith. With these words, The Pope sent off his call to
youth around the world, and started the first of what will soon
(with God's help) be the18th World Youth Day. "Beloved
young people: At the end of the Holy Year, I entrust to you
the very symbol of this Jubilee Year: the 'Cross of Christ'!
Bear it in the world as the sign of the love of the Lord Jesus
for humanity, and proclaim to everyone that it is only in Christ,
who died and rose from the dead, that salvation and redemption
are to be found". April 22, 1984
When doing my research, I first asked myself the
question, who is the pope, and what does he mean, not just to
me, but to the world. When reading about his extraordinary life,
I many times paused with goose bumps running down my skin, I
realized how special this man really is. He is in many ways
a symbol of God's intervention, his love , understanding and
admiration for God - seen through his love for all the people
of the world- is unsurpassable. It is doubtful there has ever
been a pope who has so successfully translated his strength,
determination and faith into such widespread respect and goodwill.
In a world of shifting trends and leaders of questionable virtue,
John Paul II has been a towering figure at the moral center
of modern life. The pope has proclaimed, and lived the message
he first spoke In his inaugural mass , and with this I leave
you tonight. " Open the doors to Christ! To his saving
power open the boundaries of states, economic and political
systems, the vast fields of cultre, civilization and development.
Do not be afraid. Christ knows "what is in man" .
He alone knows it."

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